Group Travel and Getaways | Girl Scouts

Want to take a trip with your troop or family?

Bring your whole troop to beautiful Camp Pondicherry in Bridgton, Maine, for a Maine summer camp experience. Go boating and swimming on Adams Pond, take aim at archery, and enjoy a hike. Stretch yourself by trying the challenge course and building your environmental stewardship skills. And no camping experience at Pondicherry is complete without roasting s’mores over a campfire while overlooking the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 
To the wilderness and back again! Challenge yourself to a wilderness canoe adventure with your whole troop or a couple of friends.
As a Girl Scout, you’re automatically a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts  (WAGGGS), which means you can visit the WAGGGS World Centers  . These five incredible destinations—created just for Girl Scouts like you—are fun, affordable, and safe places to stay while you broaden your horizons and make new friends. World Centers have special packages and programs throughout the year. Join an exciting program and connect with young people from around the globe.