The Family Experience | Girl Scouts

Your whole family will soar with the friendship, adventure, and discovery of Girl Scouts.

Young Girl Scout hugging mom, both smiling at the camera Young Girl Scout hugging mom, both smiling at the cameraYoung Girl Scout hugging mom, both smiling at the camera

91% of caregivers say Girl Scouts is welcoming to all families.

Young Girl Scout hugging mom on street, both wearing masks Young Girl Scout hugging mom on street, both wearing masksYoung Girl Scout hugging mom on street, both wearing masks

83% of families say Girl Scouts connects them to something bigger.

Daisy Girl Scout with mom, holding a Build A Bear with Daisy vest Daisy Girl Scout with mom, holding a Build A Bear with Daisy vestDaisy Girl Scout with mom, holding a Build A Bear with Daisy vest

8 in 10 families say they value being part of the larger troop community.

Take your family to the next level.

Three older Girl Scouts sitting and looking through telescopes
Don't Miss Out!

Check out fun events for the whole family; we’ve got something for everyone!