Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. We collectively make decisions that shape our future through our democratic process.
National Council Sessions represent the best of our dynamic democratic process—one that is for Girl Scouts, by Girl Scouts. In accordance with this process, more than 800 girl and adult members who were elected to serve as delegates from councils across the country came together for the Special 57th National Council Session held on October 19, 2024, and voted on the proposals submitted by the National Board regarding membership dues.
For the membership year 2025–2026*, annual membership dues will be $45 for girls and $30 for adults.
This investment provides the opportunity to implement initiatives that will have a lasting impact on our Girl Scout councils, volunteers, and the girls and families we serve. We are committed to providing financial assistance to all who need it.
At a Girl Scout National Council Session, you don't have to be 18 to vote like you do for other elections. Some Girl Scouts between 14–17 are elected delegates who make up a portion of the National Council and serve alongside the adults, participating directly in the democratic process during National Council Sessions.
National membership dues are $25 through Membership Year 2024–2025, which runs October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.*
BE A GIRL SCOUTQ: I want to join or need to renew my membership now. How much will I pay?
A: If you want to join or renew your membership for Membership Year 2024–2025, national dues are $25.
Q: What will the price of the membership fee be for Membership Year 2025–2026 and when does registration begin?
A: Annual membership dues for Membership Year 2025–2026 will be $45 for girls and $30 for adults. Current members may renew their membership for the 2025–2026 membership year beginning April 1, 2025.
In Membership Year 2026–2027, annual membership dues will be $65 for girls and $30 for adults.
Q: Where can I learn more about what Girl Scouts do?
A: Check out our program or what girls do by age.
Q: Where can I learn more about National Council Sessions and Girl Scouts' democratic process?
A: Learn more about our governance process and read the recap on our National Council Session page.
*This excludes any council or troop service fees.
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