With the Digital Cookie® platform, the Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love is better than ever. Fun, easy-to-use tools help you superpower your sale and go beyond the booth with online and mobile channels that make it easy for cookie fans near and far to support your sale and ultimately—your success.
That’s more ways to participate, more ways to sell, more ways to buy and more ways to learn. Girl Scouts who use the platform in addition to traditional sales sell more cookies and reach their goals faster—so amazing.
Plus, on your very own personalized cookie site, you'll watch videos, enjoy printable activities, take fun quizzes and more—all while taking your cookie sale to the next level.
Excited to jump in? Digital Order Card is available for participating Little Brownie Bakers councils.
Ready to superpower your sale? Look for your registration email or contact your local Girl Scout council for more information.