There are tons of exciting, new ways for Girl Scouts of all ages to explore, whether online or unplugged! Our programs center around helping girls discover their passions, learn new skills, engage in their communities, and improve their world. Check out a selection of our latest and most popular programs and resources, which often come with FREE activity guide downloads to make Girl Scouts fun and accessible for everyone.
Browse a selection of our most popular activities and programs!
Check out our badges in Spanish and bilingual format! ¡Écheles un vistazo a nuestras insignias in español y formato bilingüe!
VAMOS!Explore activities for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors.
Explore activities for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors.
Make sure you have all the helpful resources needed to make your troop year a success.
Plan your year with helpful guides for each meeting and milestone. Now in Bilingual Spanish as well as English!